High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands

5 Dutch Poets You Need to Read this Summer

5 Dutch Poets You Need to Read this Summer

Are you in the mood for some poetry this summer? Why not read some verses by a Dutch or Flemish author this summer? Here you'll find a selection of great collections that have been translated into English this year, with the support of the Dutch Foundation for Literature or Flanders Literature. You’ll find more poetry in this database.


Author: Jules Deelder
Translator: Scott Emblen-Jarrett
Publisher: Holland Park Press
Original title: Transeuropa (De Bezige Bij, 1995)

The following scan will last five minutes

Author: Lieke Marsman
Translator: Sophie Collins
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Original title: De volgende scan duurt vijf minuten (Pluim, 2018)

Read Oerknal (Big Bang) from Lieke Marsman's debut Wat ik mijzelf graag voorhoud (Van Oorschot, 2010).

Early snow. Poems 1971-2003

Author: Frank Koenegracht
Translator: Koenraad Kuiper, Sarah Hart
Publisher: Spuyten Duyvil
Original title: Vroege Sneeuw (De Bezige Bij, 2003)

Vrije uitloop = Free range

Author: Saskia Stehouwer
Translator: Saskia Stehouwer, Joel Katz, Robert Perry
Publisher: Dutch Poet Press
Original title: Vrije uitloop (Marmer, 2016)

Nothing chronic (except love)

Author: Maya Wuytack
Translator: Judith Wilkinson
Publisher: WA Poets Inc - Poetry d'Amour
Original title: Ontbreekbaarheid (Berghmans, 2016)

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