High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands

A New Federal Government for Belgium after 541 Days
For subscribers

A New Federal Government for Belgium after 541 Days

(Petra de Koning) The Low Countries - 2012, № 20, pp. 299-300

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The French-speaking Socialist Elio Di Rupo, whose Dutch is not very good, is leading a Belgian, federal government in 2012 with six parties: the Social-Democrats, Liberals and Christian Democrats from Flanders and those from French-speaking Belgium. But he is not automatically the winner and Bart De Wever (leader of the Flemish nationalist N-VA, the largest party of the country) the loser. Much will depend on the successes the Francophone politicians should grant their Flemish colleagues. If they don't, they'll stand no chance at all against the N-VA at the next elections.

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