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Antwerp Nottebohm Room Opens to the Public

18 November 2022 1 min. reading time

The Nottebohm Room is a hidden gem in Antwerp. Starting this autumn, you can discover the prestigious library for the first time on your own.

The Nottebohm Room is one of the best-kept secrets in Antwerp. It is located in the oldest part of the Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library
and was originally built in 1936 as a ceremonial room.

Besides being a book repository and exhibition gallery, it is also used to preserve special donations and collection items. It owes its name to an Antwerp patron of the arts, called Oscar Nottebohm.

The period room holds 120,000 books and displays a selection of highlights from the collection, including a pair of iconic globes of Willem Jansz. Blaeu (1571-1638) which were praised in the seventeenth century as progressive creations in the field of cartographic techniques.

Until now, the Nottebohm Room was inaccessible to individual visitors. Starting this week the room is open to the public from Wednesday through Sunday. Tickets can be purchased online.



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