High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands

Cohesion in the City. The Architecture and Urban Design of Jo Coenen
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Cohesion in the City. The Architecture and Urban Design of Jo Coenen

(Hans Ibelings) The Low Countries - 2004, № 12, pp. 244-247

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If there is one architect in the Netherlands who is confident in his ability to use architectural and urban development means to solve problems and heal rifts, then it is Jo Coenen. Coenen has his own architectural firm in Maastricht. Three years ago he was appointed Government Architect in The Hague, and since then he has combined the two functions. In both roles, his approach is that of a designer. At the moment he is unlike the majority of Dutch architects. Coenen and his work are literal and figurative heavyweights compared to the ‘hip' design trends, ironic distance and radical experiments that have made Dutch architecture so fashionable in recent years.

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