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Welcome to the low countries, with Tender Loving Care

By Luc Devoldere, translated by Anna Asbury
18 March 2019 1 min. reading time

Dear reader,

Here we are then, and no, this is not an April Fools’ joke. Allow me to introduce a platform that aims to inform you about artistic, cultural and social topics in the Low Countries, that is to say in Flanders and the Netherlands. Inform and so much more: offering background and interpretation, commentary, reflection and criticism, all at the high standard you expect from us.

For years we have been telling stories on paper about Flanders and the Netherlands in three languages, with sharp-witted pens reflecting trustworthy voices. Those stories deserve a bigger, broader, younger audience.

A reader survey showed that on this platform you’re particularly interested in reading about art, language, literature, history and society. Here you will find in-depth articles, as well as columns and interviews. We will further produce photo reports, podcasts and videos. Readers can also consult our rich archive of thousands of articles.

In short, we want to enthuse you about that delta region of ours by the North Sea.

Don’t hesitate to follow us critically, to respond to the articles and viewpoints and to tell us how we can do better. We reach out our hand to you.

Warm greetings,

Luc Devoldere, editor-in-chief


Luc Devoldere

former editor-in-chief Ons Erfdeel vzw (2002-2020)


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