High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands

Reformation in the Low Countries: Religious and Political Turmoil in the Sixteenth Century
© Rijksmuseum
© Rijksmuseum © Rijksmuseum
podcast The Low Countries Radio

Reformation in the Low Countries: Religious and Political Turmoil in the Sixteenth Century

In this podcast, we talk to Christine Kooi, professor of European History at Louisiana State University, about the turbulent Protest and Catholic Reformations in the Low Countries of the sixteenth century.

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In her latest book Reformation in the Low Countries 1500-1620, Kooi covers the key moments of both the Protestant and Catholic Reformations as they unfolded in both the Northern and Southern Netherlands in the sixteenth century.

Synthesizing fifty years' worth of scholarly literature, the Canadian-American author and academic with Dutch roots focuses particularly on the political context of the era: how religious change took place against the integration and disintegration of the Habsburg composite state in the Netherlands.

Special attention is given to the Reformation's role in both fomenting and fuelling the Revolt against the Habsburg regime in the later sixteenth century, as well as how it contributed to the formation of the region's two successor states, the Dutch Republic and the Southern Netherlands.

Read our review of the book 'Reformation in the Low Countries' HERE.

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