High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands

Silent Witnesses on the Table. Still Lifes Today
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Silent Witnesses on the Table. Still Lifes Today

(Richtje Reinsma) THE LOW COUNTRIES - 2016, № 24, PP. 266-273

This is an article from our print archives

The still life is alive and well in art. Most contemporary Dutch and Flemish artists regard the Christian message as outmoded, but some do not mind a bit of moralism, as long as it's ambiguous and only implied. The lusts and burdens of earthly sensuality should keep each other in balance. The still life is not a fashionable subject, one would think. The displays of fruit, game, flowers and skulls which were painted in the seventeenth century are so famous that they have become clichéd. One would not expect a twenty-first century artist to elaborate on this genre, since the first rule is to be original. Yet the genre is booming.

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