High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands

The Curious Life of Rembrandt and His Forgotten Painter Friend Jan Lievens
podcast The Low Countries Radio

The Curious Life of Rembrandt and His Forgotten Painter Friend Jan Lievens

They both lived during the Dutch Golden Age, grew up in Leiden, were taught by the same painter, shared a studio, received all the praise, and painted the rulers of their time. And yet, Jan Lievens is not as famous today as his friend Rembrandt.

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In this episode of The Low Countries Radio, we reconstruct the lives and works of these two giants of art, showing how trends and the zeitgeist can drive or hinder an artist's career, but how their legacy is bound to the whims of fate and fortune.

Welcome to the world of the Dutch Masters.

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