High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands

The People's Bird On Belgians and their Pigeons
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The People's Bird On Belgians and their Pigeons

(Raf De Bont) The Low Countries - 2012, № 20, pp. 36-41

This is an article from our print archives

Until recently there was no country where pigeon racing was as widespread as in Belgium. Programmes on the radio devoted to the pigeon fancy were an indication of the position it held in the national culture. Not only pigeon racing but the homing pigeon itself was a Belgian creation. Nowadays in the Middle East, China and Taiwan very high prices are still paid for Belgian pigeons. Big money may have destroyed much of the old ways, but the past, in which pigeon racing was still said to be a real people's sport, continues being cherished.

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