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Young Belgian Artist Exhibits in ‘Banksy hotel’

18 February 2020 1 min. reading time

Mitya, a 20-year-old artist from Antwerp is currently exhibiting some of her works in the world-famous The Walled Off Hotel, the hotel museum in the West Bank that was designed by street artist Banksy. Mitya’s work incorporates various elements of street art, including the commitment, expressiveness and speed of working underground.

For many, Mitya is a stranger. She is still studying but her creations are already in great demand with certain international artists and collectors. A number of Mitya’s works are currently on display between Banksy masterpieces in the Presidential Suite of The Walled Off Hotel.

According to the owner, The Walled Off Hotel in Bethlehem has ‘the worst view in the world’, namely the wall that separates the West Bank from Israel. Some rooms offer a view of the meters-high ‘security wall’, some of which was painted by the famous British graffiti artist Banksy. Banksy’s precise identity is still unknown.

Mitya is a 20-year-old woman who was born and raised in the Antwerp area. Using the name “art experiments”, this young artist makes collages with recycled materials, expressing her emotions in different shapes. In this way, one can freely view notes from her ‘diary’. The viewer discovers different themes such as collective and individual fear, the rancid side of life, and discrimination based on religion, race, gender, etc.

Tom Christiaens

editor the low countries and deputy editor-in-chief de lage landen


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