High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


David Colmer’s Choice: Manon Uphoff and Basuki Gunawan

A translator of Dutch into English gives literary tips by answering two questions: which translated book by a Flemish or Dutch author should everyone read? And, which book absolutely deserves an English translation?


Esohe Weyden: Wandering

This week's Friday Verses are written by Esohe Weyden. We translated her poem ‘Dwaaltuin’.


Willem Thies: Snow Will Fall

This week's Friday Verses are written by Willem Thies. We translated his poem ‘Sneeuw zal vallen’.


Lize Spit: All We Hold

This week's Friday Verses are written by the acclaimed Flemish writer Lize Spit. We translated her poem ‘Heel ons houden’.


Femke Vindevogel: Divorce

This week's Friday Verses are written by Femke Vindevogel. We translated her poem ‘Vechtscheiding’.


Els Moors: everything’s sold or given away

This week's Friday Verses are written by Els Moors, who was appointed National Poet of Belgium from 2018 until 2020. We translated her poem ‘everything’s sold or given away’.


Rob van Essen: Fields

This week's Friday Verses are written by Rob van Essen. We translated his poem ‘Velden’.


Eileen Stevens’ Choice: Gerard Reve and Machteld Siegmann

Every month, a translator of Dutch into English gives literary tips by answering two questions: which translated book by a Flemish or Dutch author should everyone read? And, which book absolutely deserves an English translation?


The Translator’s Pick

When a book achieves international success, it's often forgotten that this is not only the merit of the author, but also of the translator. The low countries wants to give these language virtuosos the recognition they deserve. Every month, ...


Occupied City. Paul van Ostaijen on the Map of Modernism

There are some literary works written in Dutch without which the narrative of literature in Europe is incomplete. Occupied City by the Flemish poet Paul van Ostaijen (1896-1928) is one of them. None of the standard textbooks on modernism i...


Swallows and Floating Horses

Lovers of Frisian literature and translation gathered at University College London for an evening of Frisian culture around the great new bilingual anthology Swallows and Floating Horses.


Poetry That Wants to Live

One hundred years ago, Paul van Ostaijen wrote his famous poetry collection 'Bezette Stad' (Occupied City). Dutch poet Iduna Paalman finds in the occupied city of Van Ostaijen the blueprint for the infected city of today.

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