High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands



There is something you should know about the word thingy. It refers to something, but what it represents is at the same time unknown. So how come this yet seems to work, linguist Marten van der Meulen wonders.


Unnecessary Words Don’t Exist

An essay in which cultural philosopher Ton Lemaire was bothered by the adoption of English words into Dutch, inspired linguist Marten van der Meulen to respond.


Bird Entertainment for a Linguist

Intrigued by the superstitions and etymology surrounding the magpie, linguist Marten van der Meulen explores the rich and varied history of bird names across different cultures.


How "Local" Is Local Food?

There is quite a bit of confusion surrounding the concept of ‘local,’ particularly in relation to food.


The Top 7 Language Stories of the Year

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2022 with seven of the finest language stories we published this year that are worth re-reading or listening to again.


Peeling the Onion in Aalst

On a visit to the Flemish city of Aalst, Derek Blyth discovers a Carnival parade that likes to shock, a priest that took on the factory bosses and a utopian library.

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