High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


Retranslating Couperus

The translator comments on his translations of Louis Couperus' Langs lijnen van geleidelijkheid (‘Inevitable') and De stille kracht (‘The Hidden Force'), both published in 1900 and already translated into English. In the translators view a...


Cees Nooteboom as Nomadic Writer

The transnational nature of Nooteboom’s literary presence is examined in Nomadic Literature. Cees Nooteboom and his Writing, a book that is written with admirable clarity.


Yannick Dangre: Dante

This week's Friday Verses are written by Yannick Dangre. We translated his poem ‘Dante I’.


Sara Eelen: Genesis

This week's Friday Verses are written by Sara Eelen. We translated her poem ‘Genesis’.


Mahlu Mertens: Censorship

This week's Friday Verses are written by Mahlu Mertens. We translated her poem ‘Censorship’.


Ulrike Burki: Berlin

This week's Friday Verses are written by Ulrike Burki. We translated her poem ‘Berlin’.


Rand Helawi: Empty Room

This week's Friday Verses are written by Rand Helawi. We translated her poem ‘Empty Room’.


Max Greyson: Relativity

This week's Friday Verses are written by the Antwerp poet, theater writer and spoken word performer, Max Greyson. We translated his poem ‘Relativity’.


Meliza de Vries: Grown-Up

This week's Friday Verses are written by Meliza de Vries. We translated her poem ‘Grown-Up’.


Lidy Peters: Dream

Every day of the 2020 Poetry Week we present a Dutch children's poem in English translation. Today: Dream by Lidy Peters.


Toon Tellegen: An Apple

Every day of the 2020 Poetry Week we present a Dutch children's poem in English translation. Today: An Apple by Toon Tellegen.


Elma van Haren: 0.00/2000

Every day of the 2020 Poetry Week we present a Dutch children's poem in English translation. Today: 0.00/2000 by Elma van Haren.


Hans Dorrestijn: Brussels-North

Every day of the 2020 Poetry Week we present a Dutch children's poem in English translation. Today: Brussels-North by Hans Dorrestijn.


Rudy Kousbroek: Gifts

Every day of the 2020 Poetry Week we present a Dutch children's poem in English translation. Today: Gifts by Rudy Kousbroek.


Maaike de Wolf: Stories

This week's Friday Verses are written by Maaike de Wolf. We translated her poem ‘Stories’.


Ruth Lasters: Wire

This week's Friday Verses are written by Ruth Lasters. We translated her poem ‘Wire’.


Poetry That Wants to Live

One hundred years ago, Paul van Ostaijen wrote his famous poetry collection 'Bezette Stad' (Occupied City). Dutch poet Iduna Paalman finds in the occupied city of Van Ostaijen the blueprint for the infected city of today.


Pieter Claeys: Eclipse

This week's Friday Verses are written by Pieter Claeys. We translated his poem ‘Eclips’.


Sabine Kars: Why So Cold

This week's Friday Verses are written by Sabine Kars. We translated her poem ‘Waarom zo koud’.


Ann Bellemans: Crater

This week's Friday Verses are written by Ann Bellemans. We translated her poem ‘Krater’.


Alara Adilow: The Café

This week's Friday Verses are written by Alara Adilow, a poet of Somali heritage from Amsterdam. We translated her poem ‘Het café’.


Herman Leenders: Ruts

This week's Friday Verses are written by the experienced Flemish poet Herman Leenders. We translated his poem ‘Spoorvorming’.


Roger de Neef: The Here

This week's Friday Verses are written by Roger de Neef. We translated his poem ‘Het hier’.


Surviving in the Sea as a Land Animal

How does one become a writer in a different language? We asked Sholeh Rezazadeh, who moved from Iran to the Netherlands and made her successful debut in 2021 with a novel in Dutch.


Marc Tritsmans: In America

This week's Friday Verses are written by Marc Tritsmans. We translated his poem ‘In Amerika’.


Hans Depelchin: wind egg

This week's Friday Verses are written by Hans Depelchin. We translated his poem ‘wind egg’.


Fien Leysen: Under Sheets

This week's Friday Verses are written by Fien Leysen. We translated her poem ‘Onder lakens’.


Johan Marc Baeten: Graffiti

This week's Friday Verses are written by Johan Marc Baeten. We translated his poem ‘Graffiti’.


Jan Geerts: Last Letters

This week's Friday Verses are written by Jan Geerts. We translated his poem ‘Laatste brieven’.


Hamide Doğan: Original Sin

This week's Friday Verses are written by Turkish-born translator Hamide Doğan. We translated her poem ‘Original Sin’.


Miriam Van hee: destination

This week's Friday Verses are written by Miriam Van hee. We translated her poem ‘destination’.


Kevin Amse: I Need Help

This week's Friday Verses are written by Kevin Amse. We translated his poem ‘I Need Help’.


David Troch: this land

This week's Friday Verses are written by the former city poet of Ghent, David Troch. We translated his poem ‘this land’.


Jens Meijen: Luxury

This week's Friday Verses are written by Jens Meijen. We translated his poem ‘Luxe’.


Maarten Buser: Outline

This week's Friday Verses are written by Maarten Buser. We translated his poem ‘Outline’.


Anke Senden: here

This week's Friday Verses are written by Anke Senden. We translated her poem ‘here’.


Esther Jansma: Invasion

This week's Friday Verses are written by Esther Jansma. We translated her poem ‘Invasion’.


Ingmar Heytze: For the Beloved Stranger

This week's Friday Verses are written by Ingmar Heytze. We translated his poem 'For the Beloved Stranger' from the volume 'Het ging over rozen' (Podium, 2002).


Lieke Marsman: Big Bang

This week's Friday Verses are written by Lieke Marsman. We translated her poem 'Big Bang' from her debut 'Wat ik mijzelf graag voorhoud' (Van Oorschot, 2010).


Mustafa Stitou: Palpitations

This week's Friday Verses are written by Mustafa Stitou. We translated his poem 'Palpitations' from the volume 'Mijn gedichten' (Vassallucci, 1998).


Mattijs Deraedt: Brussels

This week's Friday Verses are written by Mattijs Deraedt. We translated his poem 'Brussels'.


The Schoolmaster: The Ape

This week's Friday Verses are written by Gerrit van de Linde aka the Schoolmaster. We selected his poem ‘The Ape’.


Anne van Winkelhof: Growl

This week's Friday Verses are written by Anne van Winkelhof. We translated her poem ‘Growl’.


The Nature of Sexual Otherness. Midas Dekkers' ‘Dearest Pet'

Midas Dekkers combines an academic position as an internationally respected biologist with a much higher-profile career as a popularising author and broadcaster on Dutch TV. His breakthrough abroad came in 1994 with the publication in Brita...


Herman Gorter (1864-1927): Poet, Lover and Revolutionary

Gorter is more known as a revolutionary propagandist than as the most gifted poet of his age. In fact he was accused by some of having quit literature for the simplifications of dialectical materialism, but he himself saw his work as a cont...


A Sensational New Translation of Herman Gorter

The poet Herman Gorter (1864-1927) is still very much admired in Flanders and the Netherlands but it has to be admitted that apart from Gorter’s best-known epic poem, Mei (May, 1889), and his Verzen collection (translated by Paul Vincent i...


Famines Are Part of Our Living Past

The impending famine caused by the war in Ukraine recalls previous famines: in Ireland, in Ukraine itself, but also in the Low Countries.


Why Flanders Is Mad about Cycling

Flanders has been synonymous with bicycle racing for many years, but is cycling truly ‘ours’, as one popular Flemish newspaper keeps claiming?

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