High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


Simon Gronowski's Great Escape from the 20th Nazi Convoy

92-year-old Holocaust survivor Simon Gronowski talks about his spectacular escape from a deportation train to Auschwitz, why he befriended the son of Flemish Nazi supporters, and reminds us why we should remain vigilant against political ex...


#12 - When Jews Were Blamed for the Black Death

In the 14th century, up to half of the European population died of the Black Death after it first struck in 1348. Jews were often blamed for the plague and subsequently burned at the stake as punishment.


#19 - No One Messes Around With John the Fearless

John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, asserted himself as the dominant power broker in the Low Countries of the late 14th, early 15th century, showing the ever-restless towns what might happen to them should they rebel against his authority.


#16 - The Fishy History of Dutch Herring

Eating herring is a Dutch tradition. This silvery, slimy fish is even part of their national identity, thanks to a myth about a humble herring fisherman.


#18 - To Boldly Go for Brabant

Philip the Bold set the tone for a dynasty that was going to contribute so much to the emergence of a lowland culture and identity.


The Tulip: the Myth, the Mania and the Man

We dig up the bulbs of the past, trim the stems of historical myth and emerge with a lustrous vase of understanding as to where the tulip came from, how it came into vogue in the Dutch Republic and what place the flower holds today in the N...


#7 - Getting Down in Town

Freed from the need to be working the land due to the improvements in agriculture, people in the Low Countries began congregating in urban centres. For the first time, they were able to put their fingers onto the scales of power.


#1 - 99% of Dutch History

Join us on our journey throughout the history of the Netherlands. We start in so-called "pre-history".


#25 - Pheasant Fealty

After the Treaty of Arras in 1435, the international policies of the Duke of Burgundy, Philip the Good, had to overcome several hurdles if he was to achieve his aim of obtaining as much territory and autonomy as he could.


#5 - Welcome to Family Feudalism

After the collapse of Charlemagne's empire at the end of the 9th century, the lowlands became the playground for many family feuds.


#4 - Charles in Charge

On our journey exploring the history of the Low Countries, we can't forget the 'Father of Europe': Charlemagne or Charles the Great.


The Low Countries Radio

The Low Countries Radio is a podcast series, celebrating Flemish and Dutch history and culture, and its impact on the world today. The Low Countries Radio is a collaboration between Republic of Amsterdam Radio and the low countries website.


History of the Netherlands

Join us on an epic journey exploring the history of a region in the northwest of Europe known as the Low Countries, which roughly includes today’s Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and bits of northern France. We present you with a chronolog...


The Top 7 History Stories of the Year

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2022 with seven of the finest history stories we published this year that are worth re-reading or listening to again.


Our Top Podcasts of the Year

Sit down, relax and listen to the podcasts we have published this year on the fascinating history of the Low Countries.

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