High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


The Top 7 History Stories of the Year

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2022 with seven of the finest history stories we published this year that are worth re-reading or listening to again.


Discover Jan van Eyck Pixel by Pixel

Now you can zoom in on every inch of Jan van Eyck's paintings and miniatures. Thanks to the VERONA project, almost the entire oeuvre of the medieval master is now accessible online in ultra-high-resolution images.


The Lost Cemeteries of 1917

The small cemeteries in and around Ypres provide a unique way of understanding the First World War.


The Top 7 Literature Stories of the Year

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2022 with seven of the finest literature stories we published this year that are worth re-reading or listening to again.


The Top 7 Language Stories of the Year

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2022 with seven of the finest language stories we published this year that are worth re-reading or listening to again.


The Top 7 Art Stories of the Year

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2022 with seven of the finest art stories we published this year that are worth re-reading or listening to again.


The Top 7 Society Stories of the Year

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2022 with seven of the finest stories we published this year about Dutch and Flemish society that are worth re-reading or listening to again.


Bart Moeyaert Wins Most Important Prize for Youth Literature

The Flemish author Bart Moeyaert has won the 2019 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. The award that is also known in literary circles as the “Nobel Prize for Youth Literature”, was presented at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in Italy.


Curators of Major Bruegel Exhibition in Vienna Awarded

The ART Curator Prize for the best exhibition of 2018 in Austria goes to the curators of the world's first major monographic exhibition on Pieter Bruegel the Elder in the Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna.


'Batavia' Shows Its Silverware in 3D

The Western Australian Museum will make 3D scans to visualise the 17th century silverware that was found in the shipwreck of the ‘Batavia’.


Our Top History Stories of the Year

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2023 with some of the most surprising stories we have published this year about the history of Flanders and the Netherlands.


Our Top Art Stories of the Year

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2023 with some of the most surprising stories we have published this year on the beautiful art being made in Flanders and the Netherlands.


Our Top Podcasts of the Year

Sit down, relax and listen to the podcasts we have published this year on the fascinating history of the Low Countries.


Our Top Society Stories of the Year

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2023 with some of the most surprising stories we have published this year on societal matters in Flanders and the Netherlands.


Our Top Literature Stories of the Year

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2023 with some of the most surprising stories we have published this year on literature from Flanders and the Netherlands.


Vote for Your Favourite Story of the Year

Let us know what you think are the most interesting texts and podcasts we have published this year about art, literature, language, history and society in Flanders and the Netherlands.


And the Winners Are…

No less than three important literary prizes for Dutch-language writers were announced this week. Awards for literary fiction, a poetry debut and a complete oeuvre.


Here Comes the Dutch Literary Invasion

Starting this month, Dutch literature will present itself under the title 'New Dutch Writing' at more than 70 festivals and events in the United Kingdom and Ireland.


The Future of Historical Dutch Is International

International interest in Dutch sources is huge and, thanks to digitalisation, there are more texts available than ever. But human know-how is lagging behind technological progress.

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