High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands

Staring through the Surface at an Elusive Truth. Viviane Sassen's Sense of Image
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Staring through the Surface at an Elusive Truth. Viviane Sassen's Sense of Image

(Jellichje Reijnders) The Low Countries - 2009, № 17, pp. 263-270

This is an article from our print archives

Photography appears to be Viviane Sassen's way of confronting the friction between reality and truth. She goes to great lengths to compose the dream-like reality in the image, using clear cues to direct what she cannot control. She takes risks as she plays the aesthetic game. With unfailing intuition, she explores the unknowable potential, using her instinct to lend proportion to the inevitable absurdity and imperfection as to direct the credibility of the image.

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