High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


How Comic Book Author Barbara Stok Made Her Own Way

Autobiographical comics are her trademark, but even in a book about the classical philosopher Hipparchia, Barbara Stok arrives at a theme that also resonates in her other work: the need for a conscious and simple life.


Hugo Grotius, Patriarch of International Law

He is best known as "the man who escaped from prison in a chest of books". But thanks to a new biography, we know that the seventeenth-century scholar was much more than that.


Voyage Around the World on Sandals

On the eve of the First World War, three Dutch friends believed they could make the world a better place by walking around the globe and propagating socialism in Esperanto.


Antwerp's Expunged Protestant Past

Two Antwerp monks were burned at the stake five hundred years ago because of their Lutheran beliefs. Their deaths remind us of a piece of the faded religious past of the Low Countries.


Museum MORE Ensures Rehabilitation Of Realism

Museum MORE specializes in a movement that has long been ignored: realism. If that is not enough reason to travel to Gelderland, there is always the world's largest collection of works by Carel Willink.

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